
Beauty and the Beasts

We thought we were geniuses, see. We had this brilliant idea for a post. A real show stopper. An idea so fantastic it would leave you breathless on the floor thinking, “Man, those YuppiePunk.org cats are goddamn geniuses!” They are really on top of their game. They are continuously dazzling me with their unabashed creativity. But all this came to a grinding halt when we went and read Uncle Grambo’s site yesterday (as we do everyday), and low and fucking behold, he had the same idea! Can you believe it? The same fucking idea.

But we couldn’t let Whatevs.org win the battle of the dot orgs now could we? Well OK, maybe we could. And since the wind has been taken so tragically from our sails, we will simply hang our hydra-head in shame and divert your attention the lovely Lara Logan. Yes, the attractive British newswoman joins the sprightly whippersnappers of “60 Minutes.” Jesus, the median age of this crew has got to be about 75. Seriously. Plus, the show’s correspondents are fairly well overloaded on testosterone, and Ms. Logan is definitely a woman (we’ve never been quite sure about Leslie Stahl, however Andy Rooney is 100% lady). Somewhere, there is a politician or CEO with an upcoming piece on “60 Minutes” who is seriously bummed that he/she got Morely Safer as their interviewer and not Lara Logan. Thank you CBS News, thank you. Now go bask in the glory that is the Queen of 60 Minutes, and then head over and read Grambo’s post already…


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