
Find Us Some Pretzels, Stat!

Welcome to the first post from YuppiePunkette, our new political blogger. Hopefully Punkette will become a frequent contributor, because what good is a website that pokes fun at pop culture without the occasional poke at Republicans and the religious right? So without further ado:

Nearly five years ago, Bush walked into the oval office with the cocky swagger of a 15-year old boy with a learner’s permit and his dad’s Camaro. But after the high of his 9/11 “success,” his “mission accomplished” speech, and his baffling reelection, Bush has been on a bit of a downslide the last few weeks. With the U.S. military death toll in Iraq nearing 2,000, dangerously close to the official count of those who perished on 9/11 itself, Bush could not have made a worse choice than by ignoring Cindy Sheehan. The simple act of not talking to the Gold Star mother created the perfect untouchable martyr for the anti-W camp — a grieving mother who just wants to be heard.

W did manage to soldier on with his vacation though. Georgie took walks, went on bike rides, attended fund-raisers, and attacked the Texas wilderness like a chainsaw through a watermelon. Poor Pookie did finally decide to cut his Guinness Book of World Record-setting vacation short however. Roughly two days after Katrina hit the Gulf Coast, W decided it was time to come home (any chance he was reading a book about a goat to a classroom of kids at the time Katrina hit land?).

The reaction to W and his administration’s stunning inaction in the wake of Katrina is negative and widespread. In this radio interview, New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin calls W out for the biyatch he is. And speaking of the Big Easy, will W’s inattention to the poor, African-American ex-citizens of New Orleans influence the State’s residents to change their party affiliation next election? We hope they give it consideration… It’s no surprise then that Bush has the lowest approval rating of his presidency.

But W has had a few bright spots this weekend:

We thought this was a joke, but it seems to be true, Halli-fucking-burton is going to clean up the Gulf Coast. Our friends at Wonkette say they’re starting with Trent Lott’s house first.

And then, following shortly after Sandra Day O’Conner’s sad and premature exit as Supreme Court Justice, Chief Justice William Rehnquist has died. That gives our inept, religious zealot a Supreme Court twofer. Not surpsingly, Junior Bush has opted to nominate John Roberts to fill the position. Roberts would become the youngest and least experienced SCOTUS Chief Justice in 200 years. Also not surpisingly, he’s rallying to push the nomination through tomorrow.

Please Lord, find us some pretzels, stat!
