
Watching Her Gertz My Head

The best show on TV of late is Bravo’s “Project Greenlight,” the three season-old brainchild of Matt Damon, Ben Affleck and producer Chris Moore, in which first-time filmmakers are given the opportunity to make an independent feature, while cameras capture the entire process, warts and all.

As always, this season’s cast of characters is ripe with strong personalities, but only one has emerged as a terrific villain. The film’s casting director, Michelle Gertz, is a pint-sized bitch of super-sized proportions, and the best reality TV nemesis since, well, Jonathan on last season’s Amazing Race.” Not only does she insist on repeatedly belittling director John Gulager by referring to him as a “contest winner,” but she casts a friend of hers in the lead role despite objections from the film’s director and producers. Even better, she goes behind their back to do so, submitting her casting choices directly to the studio without ever consulting anyone else. Gertz seems to think her opinions are gospel, and while we don’t know squat about making movies, we do know that artistic endeavors involving millions of dollars generally warrant some sort of collaboration. She gets mad at the director for pushing his wife for a role, yet she does exactly the same thing in a passive/aggressive way. But hey, I guess she knows best considering she’s previously cast talented actors like Tara Reid, Freddie Prinze, Jr. and Stephen Baldwin.

Yes, this is great TV. Tune in soon, for when the shooting begins, the casting director disappears.
